Monday, May 12, 2014

Getting off track..

I thought this picture was appropriate because this is exactly how I have been feeling. I went on vacation in April and I was so on track with my health and fitness and I came back and I just fell off the wagon completely. I know it happens and I'm ok with admitting that, but I feel like I let myself down. I want to feel good and be healthy and happy.

I have FINALLY ordered the 21-day fix (YES) and I can't wait for it to get here. I have heard so many great things about it and I can't wait to try it! I am looking to this as my "getting back on track" step. AND I have my cousins wedding in 3 months and would like to fit into my bridesmaids dress nicely... who wouldn't?!? We all want to be the hottest bridesmaid ;)

The lesson of the day is: We all fall off track and life happens. We veer off course and sometimes it's hard to get back on, but in the back of our minds we know we have to do it. Our health is important and as I'm getting older it's the one thing that I can control. I can control what I am putting into my body and how I am treating my body. You treat it well and it will reward you. It's not worth it to live your life and not like who you are and to look in the mirror and not like what you see.

It's time to change your life. Are you going to rise up, or just keep falling?

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