Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Flex Wednesday

It's Flex Wednesday!

As I've been working on my Chalene Extreme and getting stronger, I've really noticed my enjoyment of the lifting part of these exercises. I have always enjoyed lifting weights and really enjoyed the arms and back workouts in P90X and I love that Chalene is based around lifting with upper body and lower body at the same time. I know that many women think that they will "bulk up" if they lift and look like those crazy body builder women on steroids, but that is sooooooo far from the truth! Strength training will tone you up, boost your metabolism, and make you a lean, mean, fighting machine!! You are building muscle which burns fat and calories, so why not pick up those weights and try it!!! Plus, who doesn't love having awesome arms in a tank top. I have to say that I wore a tank top under my cardigan when I had to get my allergy shots this past Tuesday and I felt great when I was walkin' around in my tank top because my arms are starting to look awesome!!! When you work hard, you are allowed to flaunt your guns! That's what it's all about! Be happy with who you are and be proud of what you look at in the mirror everyday. If you aren't happy, make a commitment to yourself that you are going to change and then explore options that will work best for you! I am always here to help and provide suggestions for anyone looking to change their life!

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