Thursday, January 30, 2014

Shakeology has arrived!

It came a few days ago and I am so stoked!!! I can't wait to get started! My Challenge starts in exactly 3 days! I think I might do a dry-run with one of my Shakeology recipes this weekend just to make sure I can get it right for Monday, because let's face it... I already get up at 6:10 well....that's when I SET my SNOOZES for about.... 20 minutes.. lol. I am NOT a morning person and I want to be able to throw my ingredients in the blender and run out the door as fast as possible. 
I'm really intrigued to see if I have more energy and feel better just from this shake. I will be working out on top of it, but I am interested to see the results and how I like it, because I am not a shake person. I am picky about the way that things taste and textures, so I don't know what to expect with this. I am always very sluggish in the morning and I don't drink coffee or anything for that pick-me-up like a lot of people do, so I'm hoping that this shake does what it says it will do. Trust me, I will not be promoting something that I don't like. 

Friday, January 24, 2014

I have started this blog to track my progress as I start my first Challenge group with ChaLEAN Extreme and also to provide nutritional information and health information.

A little background on me...I completed P90X 2 years ago and got AMAZING results. I saw the infomercial on television and I was at a point where I was not happy with my body. I had gained extra weight that I didn't want, I felt tired all the time and wanted to get myself toned and in shape. It was a hard start, the workouts were HARD I had to PUSH myself for the first 2 weeks. I couldn't even think about doing 10 push-ups in a row in the beginning. I got myself into the mind set that I could do it and put it into my daily routine and started eating better, cut ALL pop out of my diet and that alone was one of the most challenging things for me. I would drink at least 3-4 cans of coke A DAY! I was wasting money on pop and junk food and eliminated it completely from my diet and I can tell you I felt better just by that small change. It's not about making huge changes all at once, it's about starting off and doing things as you can and trying to make small lifestyle choices as you go on. Nobody says you have to stop doing the things you love doing or eating, but it needs to be in moderation and you will start to see once you start eating better and exercising your body will thank you. 

Once I finished P90X I felt 100 times better! My clothes fit and some were too loose! I felt amazing and I could do things that I didn't think I could do before. Once you get in the mind-set that you are going to finish this and get those results that you want, it will be imbedded in you everyday to keep going and there is a finish line ahead where the results are a more energized, healthier you! It's possible! I have done it and I promise you it will work if you put your mind to it! 

I'm now at the same point I was 2 years ago because I didn't keep up with my fitness the way that I should have. I want to be toned and feel good and have more energy and overall, just do it to help my body and my health. So I decided a few nights ago that I was going to get back into beachbody! I wanted to start a new program, but I wanted the accountability too, where I could go and have a group that was doing the same thing as me and could push me and help me though it. That is where I found my awesome coach Melanie! She's given me all the tools I need to be a part of her upcoming Challenge group and I have even taken another leap to be a beachbody coach! YAY! I am really excited about all of the opportunities to come and have the chance to help others and show them what is possible with beachbody. 

I will also be starting my first round of Shakeology. I have always been intrigued by Shakeology, but like many have thought... Oh, that's too expensive, I don't want that it's probably just another gimic. But, after doing a lot of research, I have found it is a pretty awesome shake and it has wonderful ingredients and what I love most is there is a Vegan option for those who have issues with milk (like me).

So getting back on track..I'm looking forward to my trasformation and I am excited about Shakeology and I can't wait to see where I end up in this experience!!! 
