Friday, May 16, 2014

Transform the way you eat

Change the way you eat!

By simply ( I shouldn't say simply, because this is the hardest part for most people) changing the way you eat, you can shed off those extra troublesome pounds that have been lurking around your belly region. If you have hit a plateau and aren't losing those last few pounds, or are working out and nothing is happening, a big part of that has to do with your diet! 80% of our bodies are made in the kitchen! Here are a few tips for how to deal with the foods we all love, but need to eat less of or cut out completely.

Hamburgers/Cheeseburgers - You don't have to give up that yummy flavor of a burger, but rather look for alternatives when choosing type of meat. Turkey burgers are a great alternative because you're getting that same great taste but with a leaner meat. You can also try veggie burgers, which have no meat at all and are vegetarian friendly!

Potato Chips - Ohh we love our summer picnics with our many varieties of potato chips... but those chips... as tasty as they might be... are bad! Think healthy alternatives like popcorn. I'm not talking about movie-popcorn, load as much butter on there as possible popcorn, but popcorn you can make on the stove, using your oil of choice and cutting down on calories. Coconut oil is a great way to cook popcorn and it gives it an AMAZING flavor and it's great for you! Just add a little salt and your ready to go!

White Bread - There are a lot of foods out there where using a whole grain alternative doesn't really do much for you. In this instance with bread, it is WAY better to go for whole grain bread. White bread has 0 nutritional value and it's just empty calories. There is no way around this one.

French Fries - French fries, like most every other fried food are unhealthy by nature. For a good alternative try a baked potato or mashed potatoes. You can always add a little ketchup to get the same flavor.

Pop/Soda - It's just plain not good for you. A different study comes out everyday saying how pop is bad and could contain cancer causing ingredients. Cut it out. You are drinking empty calories when you could be drinking water that will hydrate your body. Water is your alternative and you can always add fruit to give it a different flavor!

You don't have to make all of these changes at one time. Take it slow and ease yourself into new eating habits. You will look and feel better by replacing your normal choices with healthy choices!

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