Thursday, February 27, 2014


I have admitted numerous times my skepticism about Shakeology. I must admit that I am really enjoying Shakeology and the way that it makes me feel. I keep finding new recipes and although some do not work out so well... I have had a few work out great, where I just threw some ingredients in and everything was fabulous! I think my best concoction thus far has been my chocolate covered cherry recipe. I used 1 scoop of Shakeology, 8 oz. of almond milk and about a half cup of cherries. YUM YUM YUM!

We headed on vacation this week for a little Arizona getaway and I was bad and did not take my Shakeology with me :( I didn't know exactly how to pack it. Ooops!

It was really nice to get away and enjoy the sunshine. It has been way too cold here lately and getting some sun was just what I needed. Sometimes you need a break to just relax and have a good time and forget about everything that is going on. 

Now that I am home and back to my routine with my workouts and my Shakeology I am feeling good. It was tough to get back into the swing of things especially after being off for a few days and you have to get back into that mind set of working out and setting your time away in the evenings to get back on track. As I'm sitting here right now, I don't FEEL like getting up to do my workout, but I know how I will feel after and it really is a great feeling! Even when you don't feel motivated,  you have to dig deep within yourself to remember how good you will feel and that your goal at the end is worth it. Never stop, never think that you can't get to where you want to be. Always remember there are people that are in the same shoes as you and it's your choice. You can either continue to sit on the couch with your chips and pop or get up and get moving! You might not be perfect at first, but you will get there! Make it happen!!!

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