Saturday, May 31, 2014

21 Day Fix Nutritional info - My Days 1 & 2

Well, I have officially started my 21-Day fix journey this week! So many great reviews and transformations have been floating around, so I decided it was my turn to give it a try. I read a little bit about what to expect from the workouts and other reviews, that's why I decided to make a review as I go type of thing. 

I spend Sunday night reading the nutrition guide and reading up about the workouts. Your container allowance is based on a formula they supply you and once you have this number, you can determine how many containers you will be using per day. 

My range was 1,200 - 1,499 calories per day which allows me to have 3 green (veggies), 2 purple (fruits), 4 red (protein), 2 yellow (carb), 1 blue (nuts), 1 orange (nuts and dressing) 2 spoons (olive oil, nut butters).

From there, each container is broken down into what you can actually eat in each category. All of this information is included in the guidebook that comes with your packet.


3 times a week you also can replace 1 yellow container with a delicious beverage. Some options are milk, coconut water, fresh fruit juice and DING DING DING WINE! Yes, you can still have that yummy glass of wine while on the fix! Now granted you are replacing a yellow container, which for me I am allotted 2 a day, so on some days I will be ok with replacing one of my yellow for a glass of wine. Most likely, I will only do this once a week.

What does Shakeology count towards? 1 Red container, which is protein. For me, 1 container of Shakeology leaves me with 3 more red containers for the day. This is perfect because Shakeology is usually my breakfast meal and keeps me full for about 3 hours. 

You are also allowed to have treats which encompass 1 yellow container 3 times a week. AND something that got me excited was that you don't have to have the size of your treat fit in the yellow container. For example, if you tried to fit cookies inside the yellow container, it probably wouldn't work out so well.. lol SO with that said, yes you can have treats! Some recommended treats are potato chips, chocolate chips or chunks, dried fruit, etc. 

Recipes! There is a large section of this guidebook devoted to recipes that are fix approved. This is a great section because it gives you meal ideas, dressing ideas and Shakeology recipe ideas. You aren't left out in the cold trying to figure out what to eat and how to prepare meals. This book will help guide you along the way and provide great information and ideas!

This last section is a pretty big deal for me because I usually eat out at least 1-2 times a week. There is a section in the back of the book that gives you tips for eating out and how restaurant meals compare to portion and your container sizes. So, for example it will tell you that a cheese pizza is 1 yellow and 1 orange. So knowing that information, you can go back to your checklist and eliminated those containers for the day. 

The guidebook will become your bible for everything on the fix. I always have it with me or take pictures of the pages to know exactly what my choices are and where I'm at in the day. I keep a tally on my phone to what containers I have already had in the day, which helps me stay on track. There are Tally sheets in the back of the guidebook that you can also use, to track and mark off what you had for the day.

Day 1:

I had my Shakeology for breakfast and mixed it with Almond milk which is one yellow container and red right off the bat. My struggle is going to be with the yellow container. I am the CARB QUEEN! AND I REALLY like my Shakeology with almond milk. I am going to have to do some trial blends to see what else works for mixing my Shakeo with. I had a salad for lunch loaded with veggies with red wine vinegar and olive oil for my dressing. For dinner I had chicken over a little bit of pasta and for my snack I had a fruit smoothie.

Workout Day 1 Total Body Cardio: These workouts are 30 minutes long and Autumn packs a lot into those 30 minutes to really get you moving. This workout was fast paced, and high energy and wow was I sweating! lol I think the weights I used were a little too heavy, so I might have to adjust that next week, but overall, it was a GREAT sweat session. When I sweat like that, I know that I am getting a good workout. It was not easy, but Autumn coaches you through and you have to be in the mentality that you are going to do this! There are modified moves as well, which helps!

Day 2: 

I had my Shakeology again for breakfast with almond milk and a scoop of frozen cherries for my fruit. For lunch I had a salad and fruit again. For dinner I had chicken and a glass of wine! It was Friday so I celebrated with my 1 glass of red wine! It was yummy!

Workout Day 2 Upper Fix: I was really excited for this workout because I love upper body exercises and lifting. For my weights in this portion I used 10 lbs. I was pretty sore from yesterday, so I figured going to 15 wasn't a good idea for me today. I have to say that I am sore today, BUT that means that I am working and having sore muscles makes me want to push harder. It's kind of a love/hate feeling... but it really makes me crave more!

Today is lower fix and I think I need this now because I am feeling very tight in my booty and leg area. I need to stretch out and get on with lower fix. 

My day 4 will be Pilates which I imagine will be a little more stretching. Exactly what I need!

Day 5 will be Cardio Fix for a little extra sweating. YAY!

Day 6 is dirty 30. I am REALLY excited for this because I have heard a LOT about it. For many of my fellow coaches, this is their favorite workout.

Day 7 is yoga fix. I actually cheated and sampled this before I officially started (hehe) because I had a stressful day and wanted to unwind. This is a very relaxing workout. No crazy poses, everything is pretty simplistic.

So there it is... the Basic layout of the program. Time to get my game face on! You can follow my results over the next 21 days.

After I have successfully completed the program, I will be running a 21 day fix group for those interested in it. 

Stay tuned for more info on that!

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